Watchlist Alerts
Stay ahead of the market moves! Get server-side watchlist alerts that keep you informed, anytime, anywhere.
Watchlist Alerts Key Features
Alert Types
Create watchlist alerts using price action, candlestick patterns, technical indicators, dividends, and fundamental alert types.
2,000+ Filter Rules
Unlock all of our filter rules and automate your trade management and monitoring with thousands of filter rules.
Email Notifications
Receive an email notification when one or more of your watchlist alerts are triggered by one of your filter rules.
Alerts Dashboard
Manage your watchlist alerts in a single location by using our watchlist alerts table to manage your alerts.
Entry & Exit Rules
Create watchlist alerts to monitor stocks based on your entry and exit rules that meet your trading system criteria.
Asset Classes
Monitor any of our asset classes, including: domestic stocks, Canadian stocks, foreign stocks (ADRs), ETFs, and more.
Watchlist Alerts Key Takeaways
Create server-side watchlist alerts.
Automate trade management with alerts.
Monitor stocks for entry and exit conditions.
Create alerts from thousands of filters.
Manage up to 400 watchlist alerts.
Receive email alert notifications.
What are Watchlist Alerts?
Watchlist alerts are notifications that are triggered when a specific event occurs related to a stock that has been added to a watchlist. A watchlist is a list of stocks that a trader or investor wants to monitor.
For example, if a stock trader adds a certain stock to their watchlist, they can create a watchlist alert to receive an email notification when the stock closes above or below a target price.
Our watchlist alerts are delivered via email at the end-of-day, or after the market closes for the day. Swing traders and investors use our alerts to assist with their trade management and monitoring.
Watchlist Alert Filter Rules
Create watchlist alerts choosing from thousands of filter rules, grouped by alert type, including: price action, candlestick patterns, technical indicators, dividends, and fundamental alert types.
Choose from 50+ price action filter rules. Monitor stocks for price, performance, and trend changes.
Use price action rules to manage trade positions. Receive an email alert notification when your trading system's price action exit rules are met.
Choose from 350+ Japanese candlestick pattern filters. With so many candlestick patterns out there, manually scanning for these patterns takes a lot of your time. Automate pattern finding for stocks with our candlestick pattern filter rules.
Use our candlestick patterns to receive email alert notifications for confirmed patterns (positive signals) and fakey patterns (false signals).
Choose from 40+ technical filter rules, including trend, volume, momentum, and volatility rules.
Our technical indicator filter rules allow traders to automate trade management and monitoring of technical entry and exit conditions.
Use our dividend filter rules to receive email alert notifications..
Monitor stocks for changes in their dividend yield, dividend growth rate, and more.
Choose from 600+ fundamental filter rules and automate the monitoring of the financials for stocks you are holding or interesting in trading.
Create watchlist alerts to notify you when the financial metrics of a company change.
Watchlist Alerts FAQ
Q.What are watchlist alerts?
A.A watchlist alert notifies you via email when a stock you are watching meets a set of conditions that you define. For example, you can create a watchlist alert for a company to notify you when its price drops below a certain level. Watchlist alerts are executed on the server-side, meaning that you do not have to be logged in order for them to execute (you can set and forget them and we will email you when your alert is triggered.)
Q.How do I create a watchlist alert?
A.Watchlist Alerts are a feature available to Stocksift Pro and Elite members. Once you upgrade your account, then on the screener page, you can create watchlist alerts.
Q.How many watchlist alerts can I create?
A.If you are a Stocksift Pro or Elite member, then you can create up to 200 and 400 watchlist alerts, respectively.
Q.What are watchlist alert types?
A.Watchlist alert types describe the type of alert that a trader creates to monitor a stock. For example, we offer alert types for the following: candlestick patterns, price action, technical indicators, fundamental metrics, and dividends.
Q.What are the benefits of watchlist alerts?
A.By using watchlist alerts, a trader gains the benefit of automating their stock monitoring. Traders use watchlist alerts to monitor their open positions and get alerted when an entry or exit trading rule is met for a stock.
Q.When does the server scan for watchlist alerts?
A.Our server checks all of your watchlist alerts daily at the end-of-day (EOD) when the stock market closes, to check if any of your alerts are newly triggered, which we then notify you via email of the new alerts.
Q.Can I opt-out of receiving email notification alerts?
A.Yes, you can manage whether or not you receive email alert notifications from us for watchlist alerts in your Account Settings page.