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Forward Testing

Forward test trading systems. Automate paper trading a strategy against current price data before trading it for real.

Automate paper trading

Forward Testing Key Features

Multi-Stock Forward Testing

Forward test trading systems using thousands of stocks to measure its performance using current price data.

Single-Stock Forward Testing

Create forward tests for trading systems to generate trades for a single stock using current price and financial data.

Custom Trading Systems

Create and manage your custom trading systems and forward test them to measure their performance using current price data.

Performance Benchmarking

Compare the forward test performance results of your trading system to a benchmark stock or ETF; e.g., SPY.

Forward Tests Dashboard

Manage your forward tests in a single location by using our forward tests table to manage and view their results.

Generate Trade Ideas

View the open and closed positions, entry and exit price, for all of the trades your trading system generates on a daily basis.

Get Forward Testing

Forward Testing Key Takeaways

  • Forward test your custom trading systems.

  • Automate paper trading your custom strategies.

  • Generate daily trade ideas with multiple strategies.

  • Compare forward test performance to a benchmark.

  • Measure the probability of winning and losing.

  • Automate up to 20 server-side trading systems.

Forward test your strategies

What is Forward Testing?

Forward testing is a method stock traders use to evaluate the performance of their trading system or strategy using current data. It involves using current market data to simulate how a trading system would perform if a trader used real money to trade stocks with that strategy under current market conditions.

With forward testing, a trader uses current price and financial data to test the probability (of winning and losing), the profitability, and risk (volatility) of a trading system.

Similar to backtesting, forward testing is useful to traders in that it is a risk-free way to test a trading system without risking your money in the stock market to determine if a trading system is profitable.

Stocksift forward testing
Stocksift performance benchmarking

Automated Paper Trading

Automate paper trading by creating forward tests for your trading systems. Instead of risking real money to test your trading systems for profitability in the stock market, our Forward Testing lets you test your system using current price data to generate trades.

Create multiple trading systems and then create an automated forward test for each strategy. Generate trades using the rules you define in your trading system and then track the trades your system makes and measure its profitability.

Paper trading is an important tool for traders to evaluate new and existing strategies and measure their profitability and probability odds of winning and losing in the current market environment.

Trading System Entry & Exit Signals

Create custom trading systems with thousands of combinations of entry and exit signals. Use entry and exit signal rules to define when to enter and exit a trade. Choose from price action, candlesticks, technical, dividends, and fundamental signals.

    50+ Price Action Signals
  • Choose from 50+ price action entry / exit signal rules. Enter and exit stocks based on price, performance, and trend changes.

  • 350+ Candlestick Pattern Signals
  • Choose from 350+ Japanese candlestick pattern entry / exit signal rules. Create forward tests based on a combination of candlestick patterns for different timeframes, including daily, weekly, and monthly.

  • 40+ Technical Indicator Signals
  • Choose from 40+ technical indicator entry and exit signal rules, including trend, volume, momentum, and volatility signal rules.

  • 20+ Dividend Signals
  • Use our dividend entry and exit signal rules, such as dividend yield, to enter and exit trades during a forward testing simulation of your trading system.

  • 600+ Fundamental Signals
  • Choose from 600+ fundamental entry and exit signal rules and incorporate financial data and metrics into forward testing your trading systems.

Stocksift trading systems

Forward Testing FAQ

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